Agincourt Village Community Association

Preserving our Past to Ensure a Vibrant Future

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Welcome to Agincourt Village Community Association

Agincourt is a vibrant and diverse community within the City of Toronto. Our neighbourhood borders are Finch to the North, the CPR tracks to the South, Kennedy to the West, and Midland to the East.

We are always happy to welcome new members to join our association!

Useful Community Links

Here is a document containing useful community information such as local schools, hospitals, parks, and recreation centres.

  • Community Information

  • Sheppard Subway Action Coalition

    At the invitation of local MPP's, representatives from two local Residents' Associations made presentations to the Provincial Budget Subcommittee on the importance of funding the Sheppard Subway Extension

    Our very own Rhoda Potter presented and you can read her submission at the following link:

  • AVCA Presentation to the Provincial Budget Subcommittee

  • Agincourt Makes Noise About Metrolinx Noise Walls!

    It is time for Metrolinx to ACT!

    CBC Journalist Clara Pasieka on April 4, 2024 has captured the train noise feelings and thoughts of Agincourt residents living beside the residential Stouffville Corridor between Sheppard to Finch Avenues:

    CBC News Article

    Sign our Noise Wall Petition:

    Noise Wall Petition

    Metrolinx Noise Walls on Stouffville Corridor Finch to Sheppard Avenues are Not Built to Specifications

    We must all act – Metrolinx treats Agincourt people as second class citizens.

    Your AVCA Executive has been working on obtaining improvements to the Metrolinx noise walls in the Agincourt area. Our noise walls do not meet the specifications of the original Burnside Environmental Assessment and all subsequent assessments. These assessments state that noise walls will be approximately 5m high and it is mandatory that the noise walls be sound absorptive. What Metrolinx installed is less than 5m high, in some areas as low as 3.8m high, and sound reflective. This makes the trains noisier than if the specified noise walls were installed. Without proper noise walls, the 351 trains ultimately running each day, including overnight, along the tracks though the Agincourt community will be a noise disaster. It is imperative that we can enjoy our homes and back yards.

    We have been advocating a long time to get this fixed. Aris Babikian, our MPP, has been very supportive. After installing the Agincourt noise walls, Metrolinx issued a formal noise wall specification confirming that all future noise walls in communities will be 5m high and they will be sound absorbent along with other improvements. But for us, Metrolinx has now come back with a statement that our noise walls are good enough for our area, even though they do not meet the original, 2014, specifications. In effect, they wouldn’t be good enough for noise walls in other communities, but they are fine for us.

    Agincourt was one of the first areas for RER GO Transit expansion. It appears we were an experiment for Metrolinx to learn. Unfortunately, they are not implementing in our area what they have learned, only in future communities. We ask “Why are the people of Agincourt second class citizens?”

    It’s time for the community to make some noise about this. We are not second class citizens and we must let everyone know that. Your AVCA Executive has started going to the media. We have our contacts and if you have a contact whom you think might be interested, or any other media pearls of wisdom, please let us know. We have to make noise.

    If you don’t want to be a second class citizen, send emails to:

    Kelly Hagan – ‘Metrolinx Vice President, Community Engagement – 416’

    Phil Verster – ‘CEO Metrolinx’

    Prabmeet Sarkaria – Transportation Minister

    Nick Mantas – Ward 22 Councillor

    If we all help, we can fix this for the community.

    Lighting Up Agincourt Village - a poem

    In the village of Agincourt there's something

    kind of special.

    It is for the people who live here that it is


    A historic little community, with an

    engaging spark,

    And together this season we'd like to share

    some of it after dark.

    During the cold long dark days of Autumn

    and Winter,

    Though some might say if they could just go

    a hinter,

    As we dream of getting together in the

    warmth of our slumber,

    Let's find a way to make this season a little

    bit humbler.

    AVCA thought and thought and we came up

    with a plan,

    We can light up our homes to be seen from


    Let's brighten this season and make our

    streets glow,

    This will surely raise spirits while we're

    shoveling snow!

    Our Agincourt community is such a very

    special place,

    We'd like it to be visible from outer space,

    So dust off your lights, create a special

    scene outside,

    Let's light up our houses with Agincourt


    We hope you all join us to create a fantastic


    Bring some cheer to our streets in this

    community way,

    It can be big or small, one colour or several


    It will be cherished by all as they pass by

    your door.