Agincourt Community News and Events
This page will keep you updated on the latest news and events happening in the Agincourt and surrounding area.
Latest Newsletter
Read our latest newsletter here: January 2025
Upcoming Events
AVCA Annual General Meeting 2024
Read the minutes from our 2024 Annual General Meeting here: AVCA Annual General Meeting 2024 Minutes
Inadequate Noise Walls in Agincourt Community Between Sheppard and Finch Avenues on Stouffville Corridor
At our Annual General Meeting and in past AVCA Updates the AVCA Executive has discussed its many meetings with Metrolinx staff about the Stouffville Corridor noise walls between Finch and Sheppard Avenues. They reflect train noise rather than absorb train noise. They do not meet the specifications in height as provided by Metrolinx. After gaining experience from our Agincourt noise walls Metrolinx has upgraded the Ontario noise wall specifications to 5-7 metre absorptive noise walls for any installations since our community construction!
With the help of our MPP Aris Babikian, Randy MacDougall and Rhoda Potter were able to meet with the new Ontario Minister of Transportation, Prabmeet Sarkaria on November 7, 2023. The Minister has agreed to review our concerns with his team and with Metrolinx. We await the action answers!
Dependent on the outcome of this meeting - AVCA is putting in place plans for a possible media event to be organized at a later date.
Agincourt GO Station History
Please check out this blog post about the history of the Agincourt GO station as we look to the future with the new station being constructed.
Metrolinx Blog Post February 9, 2021
Cycling Safety for Agincourt Residents
Agincourt Village Community Association supports the Huntingwood Drive Bike Lanes, which were installed as part of ActiveTO. Agincourt Village Community Association supports making the Huntingwood Drive Bike Lane permanent when City Council votes in 2021 and upgrading them to being protected - immediately!
AVCA resides in the heart of the original streets of the village of Agincourt and encompasses streets such as Sheppard Avenue, Kennedy Road, Midland Avenue, Huntingwood Drive, Finch Avenue - to name a few.
AVCA is located in the heart of a community whose residents cycle to connect ot Agincourt GO station, arrive at work, secure groceries, obtain a book from the local library, access a park, drop in for a Tim's or just enjoy an alternative to the car.
Community Demonstration: Need for Grade Separations at Stouffville Corridor crossings

On Monday, April 29, 2019 the members of Agincourt Village Community Association held a Demonstration at the
Huntingwood Avenue and Metrolinx GO Train Track Crossing.
In the bitter cold with driving sleet many residents turned out to wave placards and distribute information flyers.
Our community needs grade separations for students, pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.
Since June 2018 five people have been killed in the Stouffville Corridor.
Trains have had to stop due to a car and an obstruction on the tracks.
In June 2017 a child was pulled off the tracks by his grandmother in front of Agincourt GO station and in front of an oncoming GO train.
Metrolinx states that 12-15 people are killed by Go Trains every year, and that is before the increase to 7 minute intervals.
Help keep our students, pedestrians, and cyclists safe!
Agincourt was a village built around the tracks and thus schools were established on the east side of the tracks
while many students live west of the tracks toward Kennedy Road. Agincourt between Finch Avenue to Sheppard Avenue
is completely residential with four “at grade” rail crossings.
The schools affected are Osler High School, Henry Kelsey JHS, Agincourt Collegiate Institute,
Sir Alexander MacKenzie JHS, North Agincourt JPS, Agincourt JPS and St. Bartholomew Catholic School.
School buses, TTC buses, cars, and emergency vehicles cross these Metrolinx GO train tracks many times throughout the day and evening.
Traffic is congested now! Imagine what the east/west flow of traffic will be like with rail crossing gates
coming down every seven minutes while trains pass by at Havendale Road, Huntingwood Avenue and Finch Avenue.
Whether residents are going to work, shopping, or going to appointments, traffic congestion and chaos
is in our community’s future with Smart Track/ Metrolinx GO trains increases; unless grade separations are built.
Help keep our drivers safe!
On Monday, April 29, 2019, we were advocating loud and clear about the need for a grade separation
(underpass/overpass) at Huntingwood Avenue/ Stouffville Corridor train tracks.
The reason is for student, pedestrian, cyclist and driver safety!
We need to ensure traffic flow - congestion is already an issue.
Wait until the trains pass Huntingwood Avenue every seven minutes as predicted!
At the very least, Metrolinx must not increase the number of trains until safe grade separations are built.
AVCA featured in Toronto news outlets
Read about AVCA's activity in the community in local news outlets.
Metrolinx Reduced Stouffville Line Trains
Neighbourhood associations highlight why we love Scarborough
Agincourt protesters demand safety improvements
Agincourt community concerned about increased Go Transit service
Agincourt residents have voiced issues about safety, noise, and the overflowing Agincourt GO Station parking lot. AVCA was not informed of the doubling of trains prior to June 26, 2017. 34 trains daily on weekdays 6:03 am - 11:16 pm has infuriated residents.
Read more about this here.
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